Rammersdorf seem to be one of the favourite dumping grounds at the moment. This is all part of the gentrification process. Though, particuarly if you don't have a regular ie contract in your name, time unlimited rental contract on the ... I will try to explain to my real estate agent then. Thanks. LeonG. 7.Dec.2010 - 18:38 hrs. Germans tend value secure employment and landlords really like people who have secure jobs because they are less likely to stop paying rent all of ...
Margarethen zu einem Verkehrsunfall mit eingeklemmter Person beim Bahnübergang in Rammersdorf alarmiert. Der Unfall ereignete sich jedoch nicht in Rammersdorf sondern auf der B29 Höhe Rametzhofen(Gemeinde Bischofstetten - Bezirk Melk). ...